

Coaching Certification Course

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the journey to becoming a certified professional coach.

It includes a bonus module called The Business Accelerator and a coaching journal to leverage your new credentials.



"De-Stress Your Holiday" Coaching Suite

Live Webinar Session:

Thurs., Nov 16th @ 12pm CST

Recorded encore sessions available to registered guests


Feeling burn out?

Its time for a reset.

Welcome to the Coaching Suite. According to the laws of attraction, a life filled with "burn out" related stress and anxiety will yield more of the same. Unknowingly, we may be attracting chaos into our lives.

This short ebook provides tips to "reset" the "upset" in your life. You'll be able to invite success, joy, and balance into your world. This is not a luxury reserved for other people. Happiness is meant for you.

Enjoy your free download.

A book titled tips to stop chasing and start attracting what you want

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