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Self Care Needs

Nikki Brock • October 20, 2023

What Does Self Care Mean To You Today?

The way you think, speak, and interact with others is impacted by your self care routine. 🚨We can’t control toxic people and life events, but we can chose to value and love ourselves. The results will show in your work, relationships, and wellness.
🪴Explore what you need to feel whole, happy, and confident.

📝Comment below, DM or via email with the one thing on the graph that “you” need most to successfully close this year. Also, write that intention on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet or device's screen saver.  This will help you focus on your needs and what will make you happier.  Slowly you will find yourself making small or large choices that lead you to more of this intention in your life.  Make it a practice or mantra that you choose to live by and others will begin accepting that as your healthy boundary.  🌿

By Nikki Brock January 22, 2024
When cold weather and shorter days put the chill on your energy and enthusiasm, you may have a touch of the winter times blues. Struggle no more in the office or at home! Here are some tips to boost your mood.
By Nikki Brock October 23, 2023
If the same goals seem to resurface on your "To Do" lists, there's a technique you can use to begin accomplishing those goals. Let today be your Day 1 for reaching your milestones.
October 17, 2023
The 4th quarter is the beginning of the “Burn Out” season. Take a few moments to reflect on your Q4 seasons from years past (2022, 2021, and 2020.) Does this time of year consistently trigger stress at work and/or home? The anxiety may surface with statements to you or by you that say: “We need to push to finish the year strong” “The team is short-handed so we need you to work more hours” “We have to make our numbers this quarter so we need you make something happen” “I have to make the holiday perfect so I need host a bigger and better party than last year” “Money might be tighter but I can’t let anyone so I need to keep buying impressive gifts” “My partner is toxic but we’ll stay together through the holidays because nobody wants to be alone during this time of year” “I can push through it all and soon everything will be back to normal” “I haven’t been feeling well, but I don’t have time to go to the doctor/dentist. I’ll go in January.” If any of these statements feel familiar, it’s because we’ve been conditioned to accept these ideas as cultural norms. We strive to be high achievers but the costs seems to diminish us year after year. Eventually, we begin to quietly dread the year-end, rather than celebrate our accomplishments and personal evolution. The good news is we still have a choice. We don’t have to endure anxiety. We can reverse and curb the burn out. It starts by wanting a healthy lifestyle and career. Imagine a season when you’re not overwhelmed. How good would it feel? It’s ok to satisfy and please you. Those who care for you (family, friends, and colleagues) will rally around you once you find the courage to choose a healthy lifestyle. Strategic goal setting and choices can change how you feel in Q4. Be willing to change your habits to get a different outcome. Need help elevating your work-life-balance? Get my latest free e-book “Stop Chasing and Start Attracting What You Want. You’ll also get access to my “No More Burn Out Series” just in time for year-end. Click to subscribe .
April 11, 2023
Some people know exactly why they’re great! Others struggle to find “it.” Sometimes it changes. 💡Either way, give yourself permission to explore what makes you special. Don’t be modest but do be honest. Your superpower is what makes you wonderfully unique. Its the special thing you do like no one else. Embrace your gift and know that it is meant for you. Your greatness will surface when you tap into and share your talents. 🌿
April 11, 2023
🌊Flow is the place where you feel most energized and empowered. You come alive and become your best self. Something dormant inside awakens and, in that moment, life feels amazing. 💫That’s “the flow” and in a few weeks I will take a group on a journey to re-connect with that feeling, that power. More details are coming soon. Dreams flow from the heart are living and breathing entities. They need attention and care in order to grow. Daily steps will yield success. Make your purpose your practice.🌿
April 10, 2023
Many times, we know exactly what we want to hear from that certain someone. It could be a person of interest, a relative, your doctor, your boss or even a complete stranger. We’ve mentally scripted what we want to hear from that person… but what are we telling ourselves? 💡 Are we speaking favor into our own spirit? 🔑 It’s time we renew the love language within that we crave to hear. Speak love into yourself. 🗣Speak joy, favor, blessings, passion and positivity into ourselves every day. 💗Our love language needs a boost… inside our hearts and heads. Say something gentle and loving to yourself. Find something beautiful about yourself and compliment yourself. Give thanks for that “thing” in you that makes you special and unique. 💫 Be grateful that it continues to grow. Let “it” nurture that part of you that’s still “under construction.” Refresh the love language within and more will follow outside you. 💙🌿
April 10, 2023
Let’s not be fooled❣️ Love fuels our engine. We may have strong feelings against certain things or behavior but its our love that ignites the best aspects of lives and decisions. 🔥Ask yourself, “What do you love more than your fear?” Do you love being healthy? Then release unhealthy behavior not because you hate it… but because you love something more than the fear. Easier said than done. Perhaps. 💡Give yourself permission to fall in love daily… with the things that foster more love. Its gets easier with practice.♥️🌿
By Nikki Brock-Maruska April 10, 2023
Pain, stress and anxiety are obvious signs of emotional discomfort. They can also be viewed as helpful indicators that something in your life or environment is not as it should be. ⚠Stop, and take notice of something in your world that’s not working… even if we told ourself everything is fine. Trust these indicators as an opportunity to increase our awareness of self and situations. 💡Thank your body for these signs. Its apart of our natural, internal defense system. So if your internal alarms begins to ring, thank your body for doing its job.  🧘🏾‍♀️Do not allow stress to rob you of a good life or good health. Finding a solution begins with understanding there is a problem.🌿
By Nikki Brock-Maruska April 10, 2023
Let’s face it. Everything is expensive. The cost of gas, food, and education. So, when your life’s passion is calling you, like most people, we ask “How much will it cost me?” I have a $300 discount to help you realize that dream. Keep reading for more details. I’m happy to say that Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching is offering a complete coaching certification program at an affordable price. The organization’s founder, Berry Fowler, is also the founder of Sylvain Learning. He ­­­says,” FIA seems to attract the nicest people in the word,” who want to help other succeed. These are not the “sweet words” of novice. Fowler has more 4 decades of coaching experience and has trained and certified over 9,000 certified coaches worldwide.
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